
[EN] FAQ 004869 | How can I read out the resultant of a section via the COM interface ...

How can I read out the resultant of a section via the COM interface?

Just like all other results, the resultant of a section can be read out via IModel3 → ICalculation2 → IResults2. The interface to the results is provided by the GetResultant function, which then returns the ResultantForce structure when specifying the section number and type of result distribution. This structure includes, among other things, the forces and moments as vectors:

Sub GetResultantSection()
    Dim iApp As RFEM5.Application
    Dim iModel As RFEM5.model
    Set iModel = GetObject(, "RFEM5.Model")

    On Error GoTo e

    ' get interface from model
    Set iApp = iModel.GetApplication

    ' get interface from calculation
    Dim iCalc As RFEM5.ICalculation2
    Set iCalc = iModel.GetCalculation

    ' get interface from results from loadcase 1
    Dim iRes As RFEM5.IResults2
    Set iRes = iCalc.GetResultsInFeNodes(LoadCaseType, 1)

    ' get Resultant
    Dim section_resultant As ResultantForce
    section_resultant = iRes.GetResultant(1, AtNo, ConstantDistributionOnElements)

If Err.Number 0 Then
    MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.description
End If

If Not iApp Is Nothing Then
End If

End Sub