

How can the deformation behavior of mixed reinforced concrete structures (members and surfaces) be modeled in state II?

Using the modules RF‑CONCRETE Members and RF‑CONCRETE Surfaces, it is possible to carry out the design in state II (nonlinear design) separately for members and surfaces. To do this, it is necessary to have the RF‑CONCRETE NL add-on module for RFEM.

After having performed a calculation in state II (for the serviceability limit state, with nonlinear design) in RF‑CONCRETE Members or RF‑CONCRETE Surfaces, you can export the resulting nonlinear stiffness to RFEM. This nonlinear stiffness concerning the member design or surface design can optionally be used to calculate the internal forces on the individual load cases or load combinations.

The procedure described above can be performed for separate design of members and surfaces. Unfortunately, this is not exact for a combined structure consisting of members and surfaces, since there is no interaction between the two add-on modules RF‑CONCRETE Members and RF‑CONCRETE Surfaces. In this case, however, it is possible to display the members as a surface model, and use these equivalent surfaces (for the members) to carry out the design in RF‑CONCRETE Surfaces. This "Equivalent Model" helps you to determine the deformations in state II. For this purpose, either the RF‑CONCRETE NL (nonlinear design) or the RF‑CONCRETE Deflect (analytical method) add-on module can be applied.