
Defining Free Dimension

Um in RFEM eine Bemaßung abzusetzen, ist es dringend erforderlich, dass an den zu bemaßenden Stellen auch ein physikalischer Knoten vorhanden ist. Eine Bemaßung von freien Flächenlasten oder grafischen Ergebnissen war bislang somit nicht ohne weiteren Aufwand möglich.

With program version 5.06.3039, the "Generate help node" option in the dialog box is available for defining linear dimension. It is now possible to set a dimension for any location in a structural model as well as in result diagrams. The nodes required for the dimension line can be created in one go when specifying the linear dimension. The new nodes have a comment titled "Help node for dimension", so you can easily recognize and select them in the table.


Mr. Meierhofer is the development leader of programs for concrete structures and is available for the customer support team in case of questions related to reinforced and prestressed concrete design.
