
Steel Design

In the "Steel Design" category of Navigator - Data and in the table, you can make the basic assignments for the steel design. You can check the objects to be designed, their materials and cross-sections, and assign the design configurations to the objects. The input data in tabular form also form the basis for the documentation in the Printout Report.

Input Tables

The functions known from RFEM are available for working in the input tables. Further general information can be found in Chapter Tables of the RFEM manual.

Specific tables relating to the add-on are described in the following subchapters:

Use the Global Add-on Settings button in the input tables or the shortcut menu in the navigator entry to open the Global Settings dialog box.

Design Configurations

Detailed settings for the individual design checks are defined in design configurations. For each limit state, there is a separate design configuration that manages the standard-specific regulations and where you can specify limit values or various design options, for example. Only those design configurations are available that are activated in Global Settings.


The design configurations are to be defined as properties of the object to be designed. If no configuration is assigned to a limit state, no design checks are carried out in this limit state.

The design configurations are also organized as types. You can create different types for each design configuration and assign the appropriate configuration to each member. The assignment can be made in the Design Configurations tab of the editing dialog box.

Select an existing configuration from the list or use the New button to create a new configuration. The Multiple Selection button allows you to graphically select another object, from which the respective configuration is adopted. Click the Edit button to go to the edit menu of the selected design configuration.

The list on the left side of the dialog box shows all configurations of this limit state in the model. Use the New button to create a new configuration based on the default values of the selected design standard, or copy an existing configuration using the Copy button. You can delete a configuration by using the Delete button.

Similarly to working with the types of steel design, you can assign the configuration to the respective objects individually. To do this, use the assignment function by clicking the Select Individually button in the dialog box at the top right, the Steel Design input table for the corresponding configuration, or the selection option in the editing dialog box for the object to be designed.

For an object with no configuration assigned to a particular limit state, no design checks are performed in this limit state. It means, you can simply deactivate the serviceability limit state design for the individual members by not assigning the serviceability limit state configuration to these members.