
Fin Plate

Fin plate connections are generally used for pinned connections. The Fin Plate component connects one member to a reference member using a bolt group and a connecting plate.

To Connect

As already mentioned, the fin plate component connects one member. Select it in the "Connected member | Plate" row. Furthermore, specify the part of the member to which the fin plate is bolted.

The next step is to choose the reference member that acts as the supporting member.

In the "Connected member end | Offset" row, define the end adjustment of the connected member. The face of the member can be parallel to the reference member, or perpendicular to the axis of the connected member.

The offset marks the distance between the reference member face and the connected member face.


To connect more beams ending in the same node with a fin plate each, more components must be used (for example, a separate component for each connected member).


The subsequent category controls the definition of the fin plate. Select the plate material from the defined materials, or create a new material. Then, enter the thickness of the plate.

The plate can be aligned with either the connected member or the reference member. In both cases, the plate adopts the inclination of the selected member.

There are two options for placing the fin plate: "Front" and "Rear".

The setting refers to the relative position of the fin plate and the connecting member.

The size of the fin plate is deduced from the top and bottom offsets and from the overlap of the plate and the connected member.


This category manages the properties of the bolts.

Define the bolt diameter and bolt class in the first row by selecting the adequate entries from the lists.

In the next two rows, you can define the spacing of the bolts with respect to the horizontal and vertical directions.

When the "Shear plane in thread" option is activated, the lower strength (reduced area) according to the selected design standard is considered for the bolt shear check.


The last category controls the welds between the fin plate and the reference member. Make sure the the check box is selected.

When you select the space to the right of the check box, you will find a list from which you can choose the type of weld. There are several types of fillet welds and butt welds available. If you apply a fillet weld, define its thickness.

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