Steel Structure
Used in
3D Model
Number of Nodes | 60 |
Number of Lines | 98 |
Number of Members | 98 |
Number of Surfaces | 2 |
Number of Solids | 0 |
Number of Load Cases | 7 |
Number of Load Combinations | 2 |
Number of Result Combinations | 0 |
Total Weight | 24.312 tons |
Dimensions (Metric) | 14,000 x 8,000 x 5,000 m |
Dimensions (Imperial) | 45.93 x 26.25 x 16.4 feet |
FAQ 005115 | Results of Modal Analysis
FAQ 005115 | How can I display mode shapes in RFEM 6 and RSTAB 9?
Used in
3D Model
Number of Nodes | 60 |
Number of Lines | 98 |
Number of Members | 98 |
Number of Surfaces | 2 |
Number of Solids | 0 |
Number of Load Cases | 7 |
Number of Load Combinations | 2 |
Number of Result Combinations | 0 |
Total Weight | 24.312 tons |
Dimensions (Metric) | 14,000 x 8,000 x 5,000 m |
Dimensions (Imperial) | 45.93 x 26.25 x 16.4 feet |
FAQ 005116 | Response Spectrum Analysis - Result Evaluation
FAQ 005116 | How can I perform an earthquake analysis in RFEM 6 and RSTAB 9?
Used in
3D Model
Number of Nodes | 60 |
Number of Lines | 98 |
Number of Members | 98 |
Number of Surfaces | 2 |
Number of Solids | 0 |
Number of Load Cases | 7 |
Number of Load Combinations | 2 |
Number of Result Combinations | 0 |
Total Weight | 24.312 tons |
Dimensions (Metric) | 14,000 x 8,000 x 5,000 m |
Dimensions (Imperial) | 45.93 x 26.25 x 16.4 feet |
Determination of Natural Vibrations and Seismic Design with RF-DYNAM Pro
3D Model
Number of Nodes | 60 |
Number of Lines | 98 |
Number of Members | 98 |
Number of Surfaces | 2 |
Number of Solids | 0 |
Number of Load Cases | 7 |
Number of Load Combinations | 2 |
Number of Result Combinations | 0 |
Total Weight | 24.312 tons |
Dimensions (Metric) | 14,000 x 8,000 x 5,000 m |
Dimensions (Imperial) | 45.93 x 26.25 x 16.4 feet |