

The geometry of the model is determined by points. They form the basis for lines and thus also for elements, parts and openings. When entering elements, parts or openings graphically, the points are generated automatically.

The point number is assigned automatically, but it can be changed. The order is irrelevant for the numbering. It does not have to be continuous, either; gaps in the numbering are allowed.


You can adjust the order of the point numbers at any time using the renumber functions in the Tools menu.


The Basic tab manages the most important point parameters.

Point Type

Different point types are available from the list.


This point type is used in the most common cases. Standard points can be placed graphically in the work plane or by specifying coordinates anywhere in space. When entering lines, parts or elements graphically, standard points are also generated. Standard points are shown in red in the model.

Between Two Points

The point lies on the connecting line between two other points. The reference points and the distance must be specified in a further tab.

Between Two Locations

The point lies on the connecting line between any two locations. The positions and the distance must be specified in a further register.

On line

With this type of point, a line is not divided into two lines, but left as a line. The line and the distance must be defined in another tab.

Reference point

The coordinates generally refer to the origin of the global coordinate system (entry ' - '). It is also possible to define the coordinates in relation to another point. This is useful, for example, to place the point at a distance from a defined position. For this, you can use the 'Previous' option in the list. The reference point can also be entered directly or selected on the model with Select Individually .

Coordinate type

The coordinates of a point are always related to a coordinate system that describes the position of the point in space. The coordinate system is to be understood as right-handed. In the Cartesian coordinate system, the Y and Z axes describe a translational extension (lines). The two coordinate directions are equal.


The position of the point can be described by its coordinates Y and Z.


With the Apply & Continue button, you can define several points without leaving the dialog box.

Set points graphically

If you call up the 'New Point' dialog box with the New Node button, you can set points directly by clicking on the work plane.

The points are typically snapped to the grid points that are aligned with the current coordinate system. When you enter the coordinates manually in the dialog box, you can apply them with Apply. However, make sure to leave the pointer within the dialog box so that your entry is not overwritten by a new position.

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