
Table Functions

The tables provide a variety of editing tools that facilitate data input and evaluation in tables. You can access them using the table menus and buttons as well as the shortcut menus of table cells.

Editing a table

You can edit a table with the options common in Excel spreadsheets. The most important functions are summarized in the following overview.

Function Shortcut Button Effect
Cut Ctrl + x Removes the content of the cell and saves it in the clipboard.
Copy Ctrl + c Copies the cell content to the clipboard.
Insert Ctrl + v Inserts the content of the clipboard into the cell. If the content of the clipboard is larger than a cell, the cells of subsequent table columns and rows are overwritten. A warning is displayed before.
Copy Row Ctrl + + Copy Row Overwrites the next row with the content of the current row.
Empty Row Ctrl + - Empty Row Deletes the content of the row without deleting the row itself.
Insert Row Ctrl + i Insert Row Inserts a new, empty row. The subsequent rows are moved downwards.
Delete Row Ctrl + r Delete Row Deletes the current row. The subsequent rows are moved upwards.
Select / Open F7 Opening List Edit Object Opens a list or a dialog box for selection in a cell.
Edit in Dialog Box Open Editing Dialog Box Opens a dialog box where you can enter the data of the current row.

Editing cells

In addition to the options for editing tables described above, there are functions available to adjust the values of several cells. Select the appropriate cells as a 'Selection', for example, by dragging the pointer over several table rows while holding down the left mouse button. Clicking on a table header selects the entire table column, and clicking on a row number selects the entire table row.

It is not important whether the cells are empty or not. Use one of the editing functions on the 'Selection' menu to change the contents of selected cells. The functions are described in the following table. They are also available as buttons and in the shortcut menu of the selected cells.

Function Button Effect
Delete Delete Selection Deletes all of the contents of the selected cells.
Add Add Selection Adds/subtracts a value to/from cells that contain numerical values.
Multiply Multiply Selection Multiplies cells that contain numerical values by a specified factor.
Divide Divide Selection Divides cells that contain numerical values by a divisor.

After selecting the corresponding function, the 'Operation' dialog box appears. Enter the addend, factor, or divisor.

Adjusting the table view

To adjust the presentation in the table, use the functions on the 'View' menu or the corresponding buttons.

The functions are as follows:

Function Button Effect
Filled rows only Filled Rows Hides empty table rows.
Marked rows only Marked Rows Only selected rows are shown.
Selected objects only Selected Objects Only the objects selected in the graphic are shown.
Show colored relation scale Relation Scale Red and blue bars are shown in the Result Tables.

Exporting a table

To export the current table to MS Excel, click the Export Current Table button.

MS Excel is opened automatically. The worksheet contains the contents of the RSECTION table including headers.


To transfer several tables all at once to Excel, use the Export > Tables function on the File menu. Then, you can select the relevant tables in a dialog box.

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