
Calculating Timber Panel Walls | 4. Wall Design

This article describes the design of timber panel walls due to generated horizontal loads.

The wall design refers to the third article of this series.


Wall 4 at the bottom right will be designed in this article. The position of the wall is indicated in Figure 01. You can download the corresponding model with the forces at the end of this article.

The system values are already included in Part 2; the most relevant ones are listed below.

  • Material beam = C24
  • Cross-section of beam = 6/12 cm
  • Material of sheeting = OSB 3
    t = 18 mm one-sided
    ρm,O = 439 kg/m³
    G = 108 kN/cm²
  • kser = 159 N/mm
  • bE = b + t = 12 cm + 1.8 cm = 13.8 cm
  • Staples d = 1.5 mm, t = 45 mm
  • Distance staples av = 60 mm (single row)
  • Grid = 62.5 cm
  • Tie rod with 10 nails
    Diameter = 4.2 mm
    fully nailed
  • Wall length = 1 m (no intermediate rib)
  • Wall height = 2.75 m
  • Force = 5.67 kN

The calculation is performed at the characteristic level without partial safety factors. The design is performed according to Clause of Eurocode 5. Design requirements such as the minimum thickness of sheeting, and so on, are met.

Ultimate limit state staples:

Ultimate limit state of timber frame wall:

For brackets Fv,R,k x 2 because of 2 nails.

Ultimate limit state anchorage:

External forces to be introduced

Fully nailed with 12 ribbed nails, the ultimate limit state is 20.5 kN > 15.6 kN according to the manufacturer's table values.

The design is thus fulfilled.

Timber design:

Buckling design in the wall plane is not necessary, because the timber is held by paneling.

For design with RF-TIMBER Pro, see Model 3 and Figure 03.

Compression perpendicular to grain

Buckling Analysis


The design of the timber panels is shown in this last article of this series. You can calculate the stiffening of the building very well with the program using the analysis per story. Together with simple manual formulas, the design of wood-based panels is quick and easy.


Mr. Kuhn is responsible for developing products for timber structures, and provides technical support for our customers.
