
Incorrect Material or Cross-Section Conversion in Revit or Tekla

I get an incorrect conversion in Tekla/Revit when using regular expressions in the conversion table.


Regular expressions allow you to convert several objects, such as an entire IPE section series, by a single entry.


Conversion of, for example, IPE120 in Tekla to IPE 120 | Euronorm 19-57; ... | SZS in RFEM 6 should also work for all other cross-sections of the IPE cross-section series.

In order to create a conversion for the entire IPE cross-section series, the regular expression is structured as follows:

Conversion from Tekla to RFEM 6 Tekla RFEM 6
Regular Expression IPE(\d+) IPE $1 | Euronorm 19-57; ... | SZS
Cross-Section Name IPE120 IPE 120 | Euronorm 19-57; ... | SZS
Cross-Section Name IPE300 IPE 300 | Euronorm 19-57; ... | SZS

For the expression (\d+), you can enter any decimal number. (IPE200, IPE300,...)

The expression $1 refers to the entered decimal number. In the following image, the regular expression has been added to the Tekla conversion table.

If two decimal numbers are used, the expression $1 refers to the first number and $2 refers to the second number. The following table shows this, using the example of the material conversion.

Conversion from Tekla to RFEM 6 Tekla RFEM 6
Regular Expression C(\d+)/(\d+) C$1/$2 | EN 1992-1-1:2004/A1:2014
Material name C20/25 C20/25 | EN 1992-1-1:2004/A1:2014
Material name C30/37 C30/37 | EN 1992-1-1:2004/A1:2014

This article shows and explains possible problems when defining regular expressions.

The cross-section name 400*400 is not converted with the expression (\d+)*(\d+).

The asterisk * has a special meaning in regular expressions, and is therefore not interpreted as a simple character. To use the asterisk as a single character in a regular expression, you can write it with a backslash \ to invalidate its special meaning.

Conversion from Tekla to RFEM 6 Tekla RFEM 6
Regular Expression (\d+)\*(\d+) R_M1 $2/$1
Cross-Section Name 400*400 R_M1 400/400
Cross-Section Name 150*200 R_M1 150/200

The cross-section name RHS200*100*5 is not converted with the expression RHS(\d+)\*(\d+)\*(\d+).

If several similar regular expressions are used, this may result in the use of an incorrect regular expression (see the example in the image).

You can use the superscript ^ to specify using a regular expression only if it is valid at the beginning of the material or cross-section name. The expression ^(\d+)\*(\d+) is thus no longer valid for the RHS section, because this section name does not start with a number (such as 400x400).

Conversion from Tekla to RFEM 6 Tekla RFEM 6
Regular Expression ^(\d+)\*(\d+) R_M1 $2/$1
Cross-Section Name 400*400 R_M1 400/400
Cross-Section Name 300*300 R_M1 300/300
Regular Expression RHS(\d+)\*(\d+)\*(\d+) RRO $1x$2x$3 | EN 10219-2 | ALUKÖNIGSTAHL
Cross-Section Name RHS200*100*5 RRO 200x100x5 | EN 10219-2 | ALUKÖNIGSTAHL
Cross-Section Name RHS180*140*8 RRO 180x140x8 | EN 10219-2 | ALUKÖNIGSTAHL

How can I convert the material/cross-section from RFEM 6 regardless of the standard designation?

In contrast to RFEM 6, Revit and Tekla assign material and cross-section names regardless of the standards. Therefore, to convert, for example, an HEA 300 cross-section in RFEM 6 into an HEA 300 with no standard reference in Revit or Tekla, you can use the regular expression .*$ to ignore the standard designation in the name.

Conversion from RFEM 6 to Tekla RFEM 6 Tekla
Regular Expression HEA (\d+).*$ HEA$1
Cross-Section Name HEA 300 | DIN 1025-3:1994-03 | Ferona HEA300
Cross-Section Name HEA 300 | Euronorm 53-62; ... | SZS HEA300
Cross-Section Name HEA 300 | GB/T 11263-2017 | -- HEA300


Mr. Sivolgin supports product development in the area of interfaces.