11 Program Functions

8 Results


Generally, it is to be noted that any FE analysis is an approximation. Results should be interpreted and checked for plausibility with engineering expertise.

When data has been calculated, the Results tab (see Chapter 3.4.3) for controlling the graphical results display additionally appears in the navigator. The results are listed numerically in separate tables (see Chapter 3.4.4).

Colored relation scales in tables

The result columns of tables are sometimes highlighted in red or blue (see Figure 8.3). These colored bars represent result values graphically. They are scaled to the extreme values of the internal forces or deformations of all objects. Negative values are symbolized by red bars, positive ones by blue bars. Thus, the table also allows for a visual result evaluation.

To switch the colored bars on and off, use the menu item

    • Table → View → Colored Relation Scales

or the corresponding button in the table toolbar shown on the left.

Table filter


The displayed tables depend on the selections set in the Result Tables dialog tab of the To Calculate dialog box (see Chapter 7.4).

Results - Summary

Table 4.0 Results - Summary provides a summary of the results, sorted by load cases and combinations.

Image 8.1 Table 4.0 Results - Summary

This overview shows the check sums of loadings and support forces. The deviations in each direction should be less than 1%. If this is not the case, there are numerical problems due to considerable differences in stiffness. It is also possible that the model has insufficient stability, or that the calculation has reached the maximum number of iterations without converging. The overview also provides information about the resulting support reactions that are effective in the model's centroid in an idealized way.

This summary also shows the maximum displacements and rotations related to the global axes X, Y, and Z, as well as the largest total displacement. Due to the check of deformations, the results' reliability can be evaluated.

The summary that is listed by load cases is completed by the used calculation parameters. The Number of iterations required to obtain the results is of particular interest here.

The table ends with an overall summary of selected parameters of the analysis core as well as globally valid calculation specifications (see Figure 7.27).