11 Program Functions

10.1.1 Creating or Opening Printout Reports

Creating or Opening Printout Reports

To create a new printout report, use the menu option

    • File → Open Printout Report,

the toolbar button shown on the left, or the shortcut menu in the Data navigator.

Image 10.1 Button and shortcut menu of the Printout Report

The following dialog box appears.

Image 10.2 New Printout Report dialog box

The No. of the report is preset but can be changed. In the Description text box, you can enter a name for the report, which facilitates the selection in the lists later. This description does not show up in the printout.

You can select a specific report template from the list in the Printout Report Template dialog section (see Chapter 10.1.7).

The buttons in the dialog box have the following functions:

Table 10.1 Buttons in New Printout Report dialog box

A new report template is created.

The selection of the report can be changed (see Chapter 10.1.3).

If a printout report is already available and you select File → Open Printout Report in the menu, the Printout Report Manager appears.

Image 10.3 Printout Report Manager dialog box

You can select the relevant report from the list.

The buttons in the dialog box have the following functions:

Table 10.2 Buttons in the Printout Report Manager dialog box

Creates a new printout report.

Deletes selected printout report.
