11 Program Functions Modify Stiffness

Modify Stiffness

This dialog tab is only displayed when the Modify Stiffness check box is selected in the previous tab, Calculation Parameters.

Image 7.22 Modify Stiffness dialog tab

The settings in this dialog tab only affect the load case or load combination that is selected in the list to the left. The [Apply settings] button transfers the current parameters to all load cases or combinations.

Materials and Cross-Sections / Supports / Releases

In the three dialog sections, you can specify how the stiffnesses of the different model parameters are taken into account in the calculation:

  • Multiply all with factor: Specify a factor that the stiffness of the materials, cross-sections, supports, and releases is globally multiplied with.
  • Individually: The button opens a new dialog box where a specific stiffness factor can be assigned to every object.