11 Program Functions

8.18 Surfaces - Basic Stresses

To control the graphical display of the basic stresses, select Surfaces → Stresses in the Results navigator. Table 4.18 shows the basic stresses of surfaces in numerical form.

Image 8.48 Results navigator: Surfaces → Stresses
Image 8.49 Table 4.18 Surfaces - Basic Stresses

The table shows the basic stresses sorted by surfaces. The results are listed in reference to the grid points of each surface.

Grid Point

The numbers of the grid points are listed by surface. For more information about grid points, see Chapter 8.13.

Grid Point Coordinates

Table columns B to D show the coordinates of grid points in the global coordinate system XYZ.

Basic stresses
Shortcut menu of surface

The stresses are related to the directions of the local surface axes. When you analyze curved surfaces, they refer to the local axes of the individual finite elements (see Figure 8.41).

The basic stresses are shown in Figure 8.42 and have the following meanings:

Table 8.11 Basic stresses


Stress in the direction of the local axis x on the positive side of the surface (i.e. side in direction of positive surface axis z)

σx,+=nxd+6 mxd2 

where d: thickness of surface


Stress in the direction of the local axis y on the positive side of the surface (i.e. side in direction of positive surface axis z)

σy,+=nyd+6 myd2  


Stress in the direction of the axis x on the negative side of the surface

σx,-=nxd-6 mxd2 


Stress in the direction of the axis y on the negative side of the surface

σy,-=nyd-6 myd2 


Torsional stress on the positive side of the surface

τxy,+=nxyd+6 mxyd2 


Torsional stress on the negative side of the surface

τxy,-=nxyd-6 mxyd2 


Shear stress orthogonal to the surface in the direction of the axis x

3 vx2 d 

where d: thickness of surface


Shear stress orthogonal to the surface in the direction of the axis y

3 vy2 d
