Sí, es posible crear las liberaciones de nudos a través de la interfaz COM. Aquí hay un ejemplo:
Sub nodal_release()
Dim iApp As RFEM5.Application
Dim iModel As RFEM5.model
On Error GoTo e
Set iApp = GetObject(, "RFEM5.Application")
test = iApp.GetModelCount
Set iModel = iApp.GetModel(0)
Dim iModeldata As RFEM5.iModeldata
Set iModeldata = iModel.GetModelData
' for setting a nodal release a member hinge is needed
' the object for the axis system could not be the same with the released one
Dim nodRel As NodalRelease
nodRel.Location = OriginalLocationType
nodRel.AxisSystem = LocalFromLine
nodRel.AxisSystemFromObjectNo = 2
nodRel.Comment = "test nodal release"
nodRel.MemberHingeNo = 1
nodRel.NodeNo = 1
nodRel.ReleasedMembers = 1
iModeldata.SetNodalRelease nodRel
e: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.description, , Err.Source
End Sub
Hay que tener en cuenta que el sistema de ejes local puede que no se refiera al mismo elemento que aquellos que se han liberado.