根据美国规范 E5,当满足以下条件时,偏心对单角钢杆件的影响可以忽略:
- Members are loaded at the ends in compression through the same one leg
- Members are attached by welding or by connections with a minimum of two bolts
- No intermediate transverse loads
- Lc / r ≤ 200 [checked by RFEM]
- For unequal leg angles, the ratio of long leg width to short leg width, bl/bs is less than 1.7 [checked by RFEM]
Under the Strength Configuration, activate the "Use effective slenderness ratio acc. to E5" option. Choose between planar or space truss, then select whether the leg is connected though the longer or shorter leg.
常见问题和解答 (FAQ)
After solving the calculation, the result is presented under Design Check EE2900. In cases where section E5 requirements are not met, RFEM proceeds with evaluating the member for combined axial load and flexure according to Chapter F and H.