
SJI 虚拟托梁

Steel Joist Institute (SJI) 之前开发了虚拟托梁表,用于估算开腹钢托梁的截面属性。 这些虚拟托梁截面的特征是等效的宽翼缘梁,它们非常接近托梁的弦面积、有效惯性矩和重量。 在 RFEM 和 RSTAB 截面数据库中也提供了虚拟托梁。

“虚拟托梁”(VJ) 和“虚拟托梁”(VJG) 表格都位于各自类别的标准化截面下(图 1)。

The Virtual Joist sections can be utilized like any other member in RFEM and RSTAB. After an analysis is run, member results such as the internal forces, stresses, deflections, and so on, can be viewed along the member length.

The ability to optimize the sections based on SJI joist design tables is currently not possible. The optimization process will be added in the future.


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