
Análisis del espectro de respuesta modal de NBC 2015 y consideraciones del esfuerzo cortante en la base de la estructura

El artículo del Código Nacional de Construcción de Canadá (NBC) de 2015 proporciona un procedimiento claro para los métodos de análisis sísmicos. El método más avanzado, el Procedimiento de análisis dinámico en el Artículo, se debe utilizar para todos los tipos de estructuras, excepto aquellas que cumplen los criterios establecidos en El método más simplista, el Procedimiento de la fuerza estática equivalente (ESFP) en el artículo, se puede utilizar para todas las demás estructuras.

Para las estructuras que cumplen los requisitos para el Procedimiento de análisis dinámico, hay dos submétodos más definidos en [1], incluido un Análisis dinámico lineal, con un Método del espectro de respuesta modal o el Método de integración numérica lineal en el dominio del tiempo o un análisis dinámico no lineal. This article will focus on a Modal Response Spectrum Method (RSA) and the further base shear requirements defined in NBC 2015.

Variaciones del esfuerzo cortante en la base de NBC 2015

Suponiendo que se calcula un RSA según el NBC que está más allá del alcance de este artículo, se puede determinar el esfuerzo cortante en la base en el piso inferior de la estructura en cada una de las direcciones ortogonales donde se aplica la carga sísmica lateral. A series of steps in Article [1] defines the various base shear variations needed to ultimately scale the story shears, story forces, member forces, and deflection if necessary.

Step 1)

In Sentence (5) [1], the elastic base shear, Ve, should be determined from a linear dynamic analysis, which is the first step in understanding the NBC base shear requirements. Ve no debería incluir ningún factor adicional o escala aplicada al espectro de respuesta.

Step 2)

Determine the design elastic base shear, Ved, also known as the "lateral earthquake design elastic force", according to Sentence (6) [1] using Ve determined from Sentence (5) [1]. For all structures located on sites other than Class F and having a seismic force-resisting system (SFRS) with a ductility-related force modification factor, Rd, equal to or greater than 1.5, then Ve should be multiplied by the larger of the following two factors:

Step 3)

The previously determined Ved should be multiplied by the importance factor, Ie, given in Article [1] and divided by the ductility-related force modification factor multiplied by the overstrength-related force modification factor, RdRo, found in Table [1] to determine the design base shear, Vd.

Step 4)

Determine the lateral earthquake design force, V, given in Article [1] according to the simplified ESFP.

NBC 2015 Base Shear Scaling Requirements

With the information above in collaboration with [1], if Vd from Step 3 is less than 80% of V from Step 4, then Vd should be taken as 0.8V for all regular structures and irregular structures permitted to be designed with the ESFP.

For all irregular structures which require a dynamic analysis specified in [1], as well as wood structures greater than 4 stories which meet the criteria set forth in [1], then Vd shall be taken as the larger of Vd or V stated in [1].

In addition to these minimums, the scale factor Vd/Ve should be applied to story shears, story forces, member forces, and deflections, including the effects of accidental torsion to determine the design values from [1].

NBC 2015 Base Shear Application in RFEM

With the multiple variations for base shear discussed in NBC 2015, it may be difficult to determine which base shear variant is provided when running a response spectra analysis according to the standard in the structural analysis program RFEM.

Within the RF-DYNAM Pro – Equivalent Loads module, there are two spectrum types available after selecting NBC 2015, including the "Elastic response spectrum" and the "Design spectrum for linear calculation".

The "Elastic response spectrum" will provide the structure’s elastic base shear, Ve, from [1] or Step 1 above. This value does not include the consideration of Ie/RdRo or any other factors.

The "Design spectrum for linear calculation" will provide the structure’s design base shear, Vd, from [1] or Step 3 above. However, it should be noted that the additional factor specified in or Step 2 above is not included in this calculation. The calculation does include Ie/RdRo, as these variables are listed in the RF-DYNAM Pro – Equivalent Loads Code Parameters table, whereas they are not listed for the "Elastic response spectrum".

For either spectrum type, the user will have the ability to scale the equivalent loads to account for scale factor requirements within the add-on module. For example, the "Elastic response spectrum", which is needed to analyze the structure deflections as it does not include the effects of Ie/RdRo, may need to be scaled by Vd/Ve as required in For the "Design Spectrum for Linear Calculation" type, the Vd/Ve scale factor may also apply in addition to the factor specified in or Step 2 above, which is not included in the calculation. RF-DYNAM Pro – Equivalent Loads provides a scaling option in each of global directions X, Y, and Z, in which the seismic force can be applied.

In summary, the linear dynamic analysis requirement and in particular the modal response spectrum analysis set forth by NBC 2015 are possible to consider utilizing the FEA program RFEM in addition to the RF-DYNAM Pro - Equivalent Loads add-on module. The many base shear variations in Article are possible to calculate utilizing the program with either the spectrum type designation or the application of the scaling factor entry option within the module.


Amy Heilig es la directora ejecutiva de la filial de Estados Unidos y responsable de las ventas y el desarrollo continuo del programa para el mercado norteamericano.

  1. Consejo Nacional de Investigación de Canadá. (2015). Código Nacional de Construcción de Canadá 2015 , NBC 2015. Ottawa: NRC.
