Las liberaciones de línea se definen mediante una línea adicional que genera el software. Los antecedentes teóricos de las liberaciones de líneas se describen en este artículo de la base de conocimientos.
For a detailed explanation of the error, see the model file attached to this FAQ. For the line release No. 3 a definition node has to be set: If the software generated an additional virtual node, Surface 2 would be destroyed.
Imagine el siguiente escenario:
You have four surfaces 1, 2, 10, 14 (see Image 02). When you define a line release to Line 3, it will look as seen in Image 03. As Surface 2 would be destroyed by that (as Line 6 is the same for Surface 2 and Surface 14), Line 6 has to start at Node 3 and at the generated node (see Image 04).
Aquí es donde necesita el nudo de definición. If it is missing, the software shows the error.