
Uwzględnienie efektu porywów wiatru w RWIND Simulation

Jest efektem podmuchów wiatru (G lub Gf ) z ASCE 7‑16 Sekcja 26.11 uwzględniane w RWIND Simulation?


Tak, współczynnik porywów wiatru G lub Gf, można dostosować w RWIND Simulation. This value can be changed within the "Wind load" tab under "Wind velocity."

In the ASCE 7-16, the conservative value for the Gust-factor, G, is 0.85 for rigid buildings. The engineer can calculate an alternative and more accurate value. The Gust-effect, Gf, for flexible buildings accounts for size and gust size similar to rigid buildings, but also considers dynamic amplification including wind speed, natural frequency, and damping ratio.


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