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Eurocode 5 | Timber Structures According to DIN EN 1995-1-1
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM CET
This training provides an introduction to timber structure design utilizing RFEM 6. The particularities of timber as a building material are discussed. After the 2D design is finished, the 3D design follows. In addition to the ULS checks, the SLS checks, fire design, and the more complex vibration design are explained.
Calculation Basis
Presentation of RFEM 6 State of standardization with regard to EN 1995-1-1 |
Structural Analysis According to EN 1995-1-1
Stress analysis Stability Deformation SLS |
Spatial Modeling in 2D Positions
Support pressure Stability analysis utilizing the equivalent member method and eigenvalue solver Fire design Vibration design of a plate |
3D Modeling
2D model transfer to a 3D building ULS and SLS checks Comparison of design ratio and deformations Stability Vibration design |
The online training requires a fast and reliable internet connection. The online training is carried out in RFEM and the associated add-ons.
During the training, each participant can ask questions at any time using the chat option.
Each participant will receive the following after the event:
Participation certificate
Training presentation (PDF)
RFEM model examples
Training video recording
This will allow you to independently follow the training step by step after the event is complete.
After your registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation e-mail including information on how to join the training.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Gerhard Rehm
Product Engineering & Customer Support
Pan Rehm jest odpowiedzialny za rozwój produktów do konstrukcji drewnianych i zapewnia wsparcie techniczne dla klientów.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Bastian Kuhn, M.Sc.
Product Engineering & Customer Support
Pan Kuhn jest odpowiedzialny za rozwój produktów do konstrukcji drewnianych i zapewnia wsparcie techniczne dla naszych klientów.