

Membrane structures are an attractive alternative for roofing small and large objects: They are light, elegant, and effective at the same time. However, the design of such structures requires a specific procedure, because the materials used usually have practically no bending stiffness. They can be subjected to tension only. Therefore, it is a key task of the design to determine the initial equilibrium state. The shape of a membrane structure cannot be freely selected, but has to be found, based on the required boundary conditions, pre-stresses, and possibly also overpressures.

When designing membrane structures, it is not possible to separate the shape determination from the prestress design, as is possible in the case of rigid structures. The shape must be generated. However, it does not limit your creativity when designing, but provides you with a new dimension. A variety of different shapes can be achieved by adjusting the boundary conditions or the prestress. The optimal prestress distribution is always individual. It results from the requirements of the structure.


The "Form-Finding" analysis add-on helps users to find the prestressed initial shapes of membrane and cable structures. These prestressed shapes can be subsequently analyzed in RFEM 6.

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