

The form-finding results are integrated in the main program. A general interpretation of results is described in the RFEM 6 Online Manual.


After the form-finding calculation, the Navigator – Results shows the Shape entry including three subentries:

  • Contour Lines
  • Slope
  • Inclination Direction

Contour Lines

The contour lines correspond to the outlines of the global XY plane.


The Slopes entry shows the maximum inclination on the respective location of the membrane against the global XY plane.

Inclination Direction

Angles can also be displayed as slope directions.


Furthermore, there is the option to adjust the model display to the shape found. For this purpose, there is the Topology entry in the Navigator - Display with three sub-entries:

  • Original Shape Show topology on - Original Shape
  • Shape of Initial State Show Topology on - Shape of Initial State
  • Deformed Shape Show Topology on - Deformed Shape

There is also the option to control the display directly using the button in the View menu bar.

Type of Results

If the form-finding is used as the initial state in a structural analysis, you can select whether to display the final results or the difference to the initial state.

Parent Chapter