
Deactivating Members for Calculation of Column Failure Simulation 

How can I deactivate the individual members for the calculation, for example, to simulate a column failure?


There are two ways to do this:

  1. You can define the corresponding member as a null member. Thus, it is not considered in the calculation of all load cases and load combinations.
  2. You can deactivate the corresponding member in all or only for certain load cases and/or load combinations. To do this, it is necessary to activate the "Modify stiffnesses" option in the calculation parameters of the load case or load combination. Then, you can deactivate this member in the additional tab window.

However, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • When using the null member, a warning message appears if the member loads have been defined.
  • In the case of generated loads, the loads are redistributed automatically when using the null member.
  • When deactivating the member in the calculation parameters, the member loads and the determined generated loads are not considered. No error message appears in this case. It is necessary to redistribute the loads manually.


Mr. Fröhlich provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.

