
COM Interface in VBA | 5. Creating a Tool to Copy and Move Guidelines

RF-COM/RS-COM is a programmable interface that allows the user to expand the main programs RFEM and RSTAB with customized input macros or post‑processing programs. A tool to copy and move selected guidelines in RFEM will be developed in this article. It is also possible to copy or move the guidelines to another work plane. VBA in Excel will be used as the programming environment.

Inserting Reference

The RFEM object library must first be integrated in the VBA editor via "Tools" → "References".

Input Window

The displacement vector, as well as the number of copies, should be entered in the input table. To create the input mask, a userform is created in the VBA editor via "Insert" → "UserForm". The necessary controls will then be placed on the userform. For this purpose, the respective control has to be selected in the toolbox and then saved on the userform. Properties such as size, position, name of the userform, and the controls can be defined in the Properties window.

Only decimals for the displacement vector, and only integers for the number of copies, should be allowed as input data. The source code of the input table is listed below.

Option Explicit

' Close window when clicking Cancel
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
End Sub

' Open procedure to move/copy the guidelines and close window when clicking OK
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
If txbShow.Value = "" Then
txbShow.Value = 0
End If
If txbX.Value = "" Then
txbX.Value = 0
End If
If txbY.Value = "" Then
txbY.Value = 0
End If
If txbZ.Value = "" Then
txbZ.Value = 0
End If
Call modGuideline.SetGuidelines(txbShow.Value, txbX.Value, txbY.Value, txbZ.Value)
End Sub

' Function to allow only decimals
Private Function TxT_KeyDown(objTextBox As MSForms.TextBox, iKeyCode As Integer) As Integer
Select Case iKeyCode
' Allow the following signs:
' 8 Backspace key to correct
' 48-57 Numbers from 0 to 9
' 96-105 Numbers from 0 to 9 (numeric keypad)
' 37, 39 Cursor keys ()
' 46 Del key
Case 48 To 57, 8, 96 To 105, 37, 39, 46: TxT_KeyDown = iKeyCode
' Only allow one minus sign at first position
' 109 Minus (numeric keypad)
' 189 Minus
Case 109, 189:
If InStr(1, objTextBox, "-", vbTextCompare) > 0 Or objTextBox.SelStart <> 0 Then
TxT_KeyDown = 0
TxT_KeyDown = 109
End If
' Only allow one comma or point and replace point by comma
' 188 Comma
' 110 Comma (Nummernblock)
' 190 Point
Case 190, 188, 110:
If InStr(1, objTextBox, ",", vbTextCompare) > 0 Or objTextBox.SelStart = 0 Then
TxT_KeyDown = 0
TxT_KeyDown = 188
End If
' Ignore all other signs
Case Else: TxT_KeyDown = 0
End Select
End Function

' Allow only decimals to enter X coordinate
Private Sub txbX_KeyDown(ByVal iKeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
iKeyCode = TxT_KeyDown(txbX, CInt(iKeyCode))
End Sub

' Allow only decimals to enter Y coordinate
Private Sub txbY_KeyDown(ByVal iKeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
iKeyCode = TxT_KeyDown(txbY, CInt(iKeyCode))
End Sub

' Allow only decimals to enter Z coordinate
Private Sub txbZ_KeyDown(ByVal iKeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
iKeyCode = TxT_KeyDown(txbZ, CInt(iKeyCode))
End Sub

' Only allow integers to enter the number of copies
Private Sub txbAnz_KeyPress(ByVal iKeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
Select Case iKeyCode
' Only allow numbers from 0-9
Case 48 To 57
' Ignore all other signs
Case Else: iKeyCode = 0
End Select
End Sub

Moving and Copying Guidelines

The source code to move and copy the selected guidelines is listed below. The individual steps are explained in the comments.

Option Explicit

Enum Errors
Err_RFEM = 513 ' RFEM not opened
Err_Model = 514 ' No model opened
Err_Guideline = 515 ' No guideline available
Err_Guideline_sel = 516 ' No guidelines selected
End Enum

' Procedure to move and copy selected guidelines
Sub SetGuidelines(iShow As Integer, dNodeX, dNodeY, dNodeZ As Double)
Dim model As RFEM5.model
Dim app As RFEM5.Application
Dim guides As IGuideObjects
Dim lines() As Guideline
Dim iCountAll, iCountSel, i, iShowCopy, iGuideNo As Integer
Dim newLayerLine As Guideline

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

' Get interface to RFEM
If RFEM_open = True Then
Set app = GetObject(, "RFEM5.Application")
' Raise error if RFEM is not opened
Err.Raise Errors.Err_RFEM
End If

' Block COM licence and programme access

' Get interface for active model
If app.GetModelCount > 0 Then
Set model = app.GetActiveModel
' Raise error if no model is opened
Err.Raise Errors.Err_Model
End If

' Get interface for guidelines
Set guides = model.GetGuideObjects

' Define numbers of guidelines
model.GetModelData.EnableSelections (False)
iCountAll = model.GetGuideObjects.GetGuidelineCount
If iCountAll = 0 Then
' Raise error if no guidelines are available
Err.Raise Errors.Err_Guideline
End If
iGuideNo = guides.GetGuideline(iCountAll - 1, AtIndex).GetData.No

' Define numbers of selected guidelines
model.GetModelData.EnableSelections (True)
iCountSel = model.GetGuideObjects.GetGuidelineCount

If iCountSel > 0 Then
' Copy selected guidelines
lines = guides.GetGuidelines()
If iShow > 0 Then
For iShowCopy = 1 To iShow
For i = 0 To iCountSel - 1
newLayerLine.WorkPlane = lines(i).WorkPlane
' Create new work plane if guideline should be copied to another work plane
If (lines(i).WorkPlane = PlaneXY And dNodeZ <> 0) Then
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.Z = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Z + dNodeZ * iAnzKopie
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.X = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.X
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.Y = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Y
ElseIf (lines(i).WorkPlane = PlaneYZ And dNodeX <> 0) Then
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.X = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.X + dNodeX * iAnzKopie
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.Y = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Y
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.Z = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Z
ElseIf (lines(i).WorkPlane = PlaneXZ And dNodeY <> 0) Then
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.Y = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Y + dNodeY * iAnzKopie
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.X = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.X
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.Z = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Z
' Guidelines in the same work plane
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.X = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.X
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.Y = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Y
newLayerLine.WorkPlaneOrigin.Z = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Z
End If
newLayerLine.Type = lines(i).Type
newLayerLine.Angle = lines(i).Angle
newLayerLine.Radius = lines(i).Radius
' Guideline coordinates (X, Y, Z) of the copy are adjusted by the displacement vector
newLayerLine.Point1.X = lines(i).Point1.X + dNodeX * iAnzKopie
newLayerLine.Point1.Y = lines(i).Point1.Y + dNodeY * iAnzKopie
newLayerLine.Point1.Z = lines(i).Point1.Z + dNodeZ * iAnzKopie
newLayerLine.Point2.X = lines(i).Point2.X + dNodeX * iAnzKopie
newLayerLine.Point2.Y = lines(i).Point2.Y + dNodeY * iAnzKopie
newLayerLine.Point2.Z = lines(i).Point2.Z + dNodeZ * iAnzKopie
newLayerLine.No = iGuideNo + i + 1
newLayerLine.Description = "Copy Guideline" + CStr(lines(i).No)
guides.SetGuideline newLayerLine
iCountAll = iCountAll + iCountSel
iGuideNo = guides.GetGuideline(iCountAll - 1, AtIndex).GetData.No
' Moving selected guidelines
For i = 0 To iCountSel - 1
' Moving guidelines to another work plane
If (lines(i).WorkPlane = PlaneXY And dNodeZ <> 0) Then
lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Z = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Z + dNodeZ
ElseIf (lines(i).WorkPlane = PlaneYZ And dNodeX <> 0) Then
lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.X = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.X + dNodeX
ElseIf (lines(i).WorkPlane = PlaneXZ And dNodeY <> 0) Then
lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Y = lines(i).WorkPlaneOrigin.Y + dNodeY
End If
' Guideline coordinates (X, Y, Z) are adjusted by the displacement vector
lines(i).Point1.X = lines(i).Point1.X + dNodeX
lines(i).Point1.Y = lines(i).Point1.Y + dNodeY
lines(i).Point1.Z = lines(i).Point1.Z + dNodeZ
lines(i).Point2.X = lines(i).Point2.X + dNodeX
lines(i).Point2.Y = lines(i).Point2.Y + dNodeY
lines(i).Point2.Z = lines(i).Point2.Z + dNodeZ
guides.SetGuidelines lines
End If
' Cause error if no guidelines are selected
Err.Raise Errors.Err_Guideline_sel
End If

' Error handling
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Select Case Err.Number
Case Errors.Err_RFEM
MsgBox ("RFEM is not opened")
Exit Sub
Case Errors.Err_Model
MsgBox ("No file opened!")
Case Errors.Err_Guideline
MsgBox ("No guidelines available in file " & model.GetName & " !")
Case Errors.Err_Guideline_sel
MsgBox ("No guidelines selected in file " & model.GetName & " !")
Case Else
MsgBox "Error no. : " & Err.Number & vbLf & Err.Description
End Select
End If
' COM licence is unlocked, programme access possible again

Set app = Nothing
Set model = Nothing
Set guides = Nothing

End Sub

' Initialisation
Sub init()
frmGuideline.txbX.Value = "0"
frmGuideline.txbY.Value = "0"
frmGuideline.txbZ.Value = "0"
frmGuideline.txbShow.Value = "0"
End Sub

' Function to check if RFEM is opened
Function RFEM_open() As Boolean
Dim objWMI, colPro As Object

Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & "." & "\root\cimv2")
Set colPro = objWMI.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'RFEM64.exe'")
If colPro.Count = 0 Then
RFEM_open = False
RFEM_open = True
End If
End Function

Summary and outlook

A tool to move/copy guidelines in RFEM was developed in the article. A corresponding tool for RSTAB can be created in the same way. The tool is started via the interface of Excel. It is also possible to integrate this tool into RFEM or RSTAB as described in this article:


Ms. von Bloh provides technical support for our customers and is responsible for the development of the SHAPE‑THIN program as well as steel and aluminum structures.

