
Query No. 47 in RFEM 5

I have a question about message No. 47 in RFEM. What is the exact meaning of the word "integrate"? What is the resulting effect?


In this case, the program asks if you want to create a hole in the surface and place a new surface in it. The surfaces will be rigidly connected, unless the boundary lines include line releases, for example. This arrangement is suitable for heads in a ceiling slab. You can enter a larger thickness for the inserted surface, and thus consider the larger thickness of the head.

If you do not integrate the surface, the surface will be doubled at the corresponding location. If the surfaces remain in one plane, the boundary lines will be integrated, and thus the finite element mesh will be interconnected, but only at the location of the lines. Assuming the same surface thickness, the result of the interaction is negative due to the added weight.


Ing. Martinec takes care of customer service and student licenses in the Czech office.

