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In this tutorial, we would like to inform you about the essential features of the RFEM program. The first part shows how to create the structural objects and loads, combine the loads, perform a structural analysis, check the results, and prepare the data for printing. Eurocodes with the CEN settings are used as standards.

In this tutorial, we would like to inform you about the essential features of the RFEM program. The first part shows how to create the structural objects and loads, combine the loads, perform a structural analysis, check the results, and prepare the data for printing. The US codes are used as standards.

The Stress-Strain Analysis add-on performs a general stress analysis by calculating the existing stresses and comparing them with the limit stresses. RFEM also determines the stress ranges. Furthermore, it is possible to determine strains for surfaces and solids.

During the stress analysis, the maximum stresses of solids, surfaces, and line welds (RFEM only), as well as of members are determined. The governing internal forces are also documented for each member and surface. Furthermore, there is the option of an automatic section or thickness optimization including the update of the sections or surface thicknesses modified in RFEM/RSTAB.

This manual describes the Stress-Strain Analysis add-on for the programs RFEM 6 and RSTAB 9.

The Timber Design add-on allows you to design timber members and surfaces according to various design standards. Cross-section resistance checks, stability analyses, and serviceability limit state design checks can also be performed. The input and result evaluation are completely integrated in the user interface of the structural FEA software RFEM and the frame & truss analysis software RSTAB.

This manual describes the Timber Design add-on for the RFEM 6 and RSTAB 9 programs.

The Construction Stages Analysis (CSA) add-on allows you to represent the construction process of the model in the RFEM 6 program. In this way, you can add, remove, or adjust structural objects to the individual construction phases. Furthermore, you can use the add-on can to determine the sequence of the load application and the way the load cases are combined within the construction stages.

The Geotechnical Analysis add-on allows for a finite element analysis of soil solids with the suitable material laws in RFEM 6. By integrating Geotechnical Analysis into the FEA software, the soil-structure interaction can be represented computationally completely in the overall model.

With the Geotechnical Analysis, it is possible to determine the stresses and deformations of a soil solid. The input and result evaluation are integrated in the user interface of the RFEM 6 program.

This manual describes the Geotechnical Analysis add-on for the RFEM 6 program.

The Optimization & Costs/CO2 Emission Estimation add-on consists of two parts: On one hand, you can use it to determine an optimal parameter layout for parameterized models, based on the user-defined optimization criteria. For this purpose, the artificial intelligence technology (AI) of particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used. On the other hand, you have the option to estimate the costs and CO2 emissions of a model by specifying the unit costs and emissions for the materials used in the model.

This manual describes the features of the add-on for the programs RFEM 6 and RSTAB 9. The explanations refer to RFEM, but also apply to RSTAB.

This manual describes the topics of the webinar Modeling and Design of Timber Structures in RFEM 6.

First, it shows how to model a hip rafter in RFEM 6 and how to apply loads, as well as how to perform timber design according to Eurocode 5. The creation of a printout report and the use of parameters and user-defined scripts are then discussed.

In the manual for the Timber Design add-on, you can find detailed explanations of all the add-on options.

This manual describes the topics of the webinar "Stability and Warping Torsion Analyses in RFEM 6 and RSTAB 9".

In the webinar, a stability analysis of a staircase tower is carried out. It explains when and why a warping torsion analysis with 7 degrees of freedom is necessary. Furthermore, special attention is given to how you can create and combine local imperfections in RFEM 6 and RSTAB 9.

In the manual, all steps are carried out in RFEM 6, but the same also applies to RSTAB 9.

This manual describes the topics of the webinar "Modeling and Design of Solid Elements in RFEM 6".

In the webinar, a splice with bolts is modeled. It explains how you can define the contact between solids and perform a stress-strain analysis. Furthermore, the utilization of welds is also considered.