
FE Mesh and Calculation

FE Mesh Settings

When using an FE calculation, it is necessary to pay close attention to the appropriate generation of the FE mesh, especially when using a nonlinear, orthotropic material model. A mesh size that is too fine slows down the calculation without significantly improving the quality of the results. If the mesh size is too large, the boundary conditions are insufficiently determined. You can open the corresponding settings via the toolbar, where you can also generate the mesh.

A desired length of the finite elements of 200 - 250 mm can be specified as a guideline for masonry. All other setting options - for example, the generation of mesh refinements in critical areas - are explained in the manual.


To calculate the results, you can select the load case or the design situation to be calculated in the toolbar. The corresponding results are calculated and displayed using Results .

During the calculation, you get an overview of the combinations that have already been calculated, as well as the individual load steps. You can see them very well in the convergence diagram, which you can find again under the calculation diagrams in the ”Data navigator“ after the calculation.