
Flat membrane hall structure, supported by an array of tensioned cables and poles. The main membrane surface forms a large, octagonal shape with radial symmetry, featuring a central decorative pattern that may serve as an architectural or functional element. The membrane is anchored at various points along the perimeter, with tension cables connecting to angled supporting columns. These columns are distributed around the structure to provide stability and shape to the membrane. This type of structure is commonly used for lightweight roofing in open spaces like event halls, sports arenas, or pavilions.

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Flat membrane hall

Block parameters editable dynamically
Number of Nodes 170
Number of Lines 177
Number of Members 177
Number of Surfaces 32
Number of Solids 0
Number of Load Cases 2
Number of Load Combinations 0
Number of Result Combinations 0
Total Weight 2.966 tons
Dimensions (Metric) 46.000 x 3.300 x 46.000 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 150.92 x 10.83 x 150.92 feet

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