
Structural System of "Archa" Community Center for Youths

The graduation thesis presents the structural design of the two-story community center "Archa," consisting of two separate supporting structures. The RFEM program was used for the structural solution of both parts.

A part of the thesis is the structural design of the steel frame consisting of columns, beams, ceilings, and bracing. The design was performed using the RF‑STEEL EC3 add-on module. Another part of the work was the design of the membrane roofing of the whole building, which used the additional module RF‑FORM‑FINDING to find the initial shape of the membrane.
Nela Freiherrová
Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Membrane structures have recently become increasingly popular with architects. Nowadays, they are increasingly used for the roofing of ancillary and temporary structures, but also for the roofing of permanent structures, because the membrane structures have many advantages. By using membranes, it is possible to achieve a very low weight of the roof structure as well as the aesthetic airiness, shape variability, a large span, and smaller construction and assembly requirements.

The goal of this thesis was to design the steel supporting system and membrane structure of the "Archa" community center for youths according to the architectural design. The structure consists of two separate supporting structures - a steel shell and a membrane roof. For this reason, it was very interesting for the design and verification of the knowledge of structural mechanics and shell structures.

