
[EN] FAQ 003303 | How can I display nodal masses?

How can I display nodal masses?

For members (RSTAB) or members, surfaces, and solids (RFEM), you can display the material weight W. To do this, simply select the entire structure, or a part of it, and right-click to open the shortcut menu. Here, you can find the "Center of Gravity and Info ..." option.

However, the nodal masses are not apparent from this.

To generate the nodal masses, you can use the RF‑/DYNAM Pro - Natural Vibrations add-on module. In this case, it is possible to create a natural vibration case where the mass only acts in the Z direction, for example. After the natural mode case has been calculated, the "nodal masses" are available in the result tables of RF‑/DYNAM Pro.

In RF‑/DYNAM Pro, you can optionally convert the nodal loads into masses by applying the force components of the respective load case to the natural vibration case calculation.
