
FAQ 003572 | Is it possible to move or copy guidelines to other work planes?

Is it possible to move or copy guidelines to other work planes?

It is only possible to copy or move the guidelines within one work plane. Copying or moving guidelines to another work plane is not possible.

For example, if a guideline has been created in the XY work plane, you can move or copy the guideline in the X or Y direction. However, it is not possible to move or copy this guideline in the Z direction (Image 01). In this case, it would be necessary to create the guideline in the desired work plane. This is also demonstrated in the video.

Instead of guidelines, you can use line grids that can be created in 3D. 

Furthermore, you can use the COM interface to develop a tool for copying or moving guidelines to other work planes. Knowledge Base provides an example of this: https://www.dlubal.com/en-US/support-and-schulungen/support/knowledge-base/001515
