How can I create NURBS using the COM interface?
The main object is not a line object, but an object of the NurbSpline type.
Here is a short example for creating a NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B‑Spline):
Sub nurbs_test()
Dim model As RFEM5.model
Set model = GetObject(, "RFEM5.Model")
On Error GoTo e
Dim data As IModelData
Set data = model.GetModelData
' define array of nodes
Dim nodes(0 To 2) As RFEM5.Node
nodes(0).No = 1
nodes(0).Type = Standard
nodes(0).CS = Cartesian
nodes(0).X = 1
nodes(0).Y = 1
nodes(0).Z = 0
nodes(1).No = 2
nodes(1).Type = Standard
nodes(1).CS = Cartesian
nodes(1).X = 2
nodes(1).Y = 1
nodes(1).Z = -1
nodes(2).No = 3
nodes(2).Type = Standard
nodes(2).CS = Cartesian
nodes(2).RefObjectNo = 2
nodes(2).X = 0
nodes(2).Y = 1
nodes(2).Z = 0
Dim darr1(0 To 5) As Double
darr1(0) = 0
darr1(1) = 0
darr1(2) = 0
darr1(3) = 1
darr1(4) = 1
darr1(5) = 1
Dim darr2(0 To 2) As Double
darr2(0) = 1
darr2(1) = 1
darr2(2) = 1
Dim ns As NurbSpline
ns.General.No = 2
ns.General.Type = NurbSplineType
ns.General.NodeList = "1,2,3"
ns.General.Comment = "line 2"
ns.Knots = darr1
ns.Order = 3
ns.Weights = darr2
data.SetNodes nodes
data.SetNurbSpline ns
e: data.FinishModification
If Err.Number 0 Then MsgBox Err.Description, , Err.Source
Set data = Nothing
Set model = Nothing
End Sub