
FAQ 004909 | I would like to import a large, curved surface from Rhino into RFEM, but I get the following ...

I would like to import a large, curved surface from Rhino into RFEM, but I get the following error message: "Command: ExportToRFEM5. Nodes compare tolerance is set too low. You could adjust it by document units settings. Export error. Error to write data, message: Coordinate Z is out of range. Export to RFEM finished." How can I fix this error?

Meshes are not supported in RFEM because they are not "smooth surfaces", but consist of individual facets; see the third paragraph under Meshes vs. NURBS:

A mesh represents 3D surfaces as a series of discreet facets, [...]

As an appropriate solution, we recommend using the Rhino command "MeshToNurbs".

The resulting polysurface can be exported to RFEM.
