
WIN 001 | What's New in RFEM 6 and RSTAB 9

This video shows the most important new functions and optimizations of the two new structural analysis programs, RFEM 6 and RSTAB 9, by Dlubal Software.

New features in RFEM 6 and RSTAB 9:
- Faster calculation by using several solvers/cores simultaneously
- Former design modules integrated as add-ons in the main program
- Output of all design check formulas for the design add-ons
- Load transfer surfaces without stiffnesses, enabling the transfer of loads
- Automatic combination of identical members and sets of members using representatives
- Adaptive nodes for more effective modeling and design
- Unit stresses allow for a faster estimation of load capacities
- Faster, more stable and more modern printout report
- Multi-page PDF files can be integrated in the printout report
- Work in the model and the printout simultaneously
- Integration of images and texts in the printout report
- 3D PDF graphics import to the printout report
- Customized shortcuts (hotkeys) for commands and functions
- All input via JavaScript using the console or scripts
- Creation of desktop or web-based applications using the Python and C# programming languages

