
FAQ 005217 | What is the difference between the "Finite Element Analysis" and the "Thin-Walled Analysis"...

What is the difference between the "Finite Element Analysis" and the "Thin-Walled Analysis"?

The difference between the two analysis methods "Finite Element Analysis" and "Thin-Walled Analysis" is the calculation of the cross-section properties and the stresses on the gross cross-section.
In the case of the finite element analysis, the calculation is carried out according to the FE method. In the case of the thin-walled analysis, the calculation is essentially carried out analytically according to the method for the calculation of thin-walled cross-sections.

If you have a cross-section consisting of any polygonally limited surfaces with or without cutouts, the finite element analysis is suitable as an analysis method (formerly SHAPE‑MASSIVE).
On the other hand, if there is an open, closed, or connected cross-section consisting mainly of thin-walled elements, the thin-walled analysis is suitable (formerly SHAPE‑THIN).
