
FAQ 005256 | How can I import printout report templates from other computers...

How can I import printout report templates from other computers?

You can save your printout reports as a template and use them on other computers.

Export GUI Settings

On another computer, open the "Options" menu and select "Export GUI Settings".
The "Export GUI Settings" dialog box appears, where you can select the settings to export and then save the file in the *.rf6.gui format.

Import GUI Settings

On your computer, open the "Options" menu and select "Import GUI Settings".
The "Import GUI Settings" dialog box appears, where you can open the*.rf6.gui file. Then, select the parameters to import.

An information window appears, saying that it is necessary to restart the software.

Load from Template

The new printout report templates are then available in the Printout Report Manager upon clicking the "Load from Template" button.
