
Opening RSTAB 8 Files in RSTAB 7

How can I open an RSTAB 8 file in RSTAB 7?


To do this, use the "Open" command of the "File" menu in RSTAB 7.

In the "Open" dialog box, the RSTAB 8 files are not visible immediately, as only the files for program version RSTAB 7 (and previous) are displayed.

In order to see all files (including RSTAB 8 files) in a specific directory or folder, you have to change the file type to "All Files" in the lower part of the dialog box. Then, you will also see the newer files for RSTAB 8 and you can open them in RSTAB 7.

Important: We do not guarantee compatibility when opening an RSTAB 8 file in RSTAB 7. Thus, the file or the model contained in it might be damaged. The module data and the results will also be deleted.

The same procedure is also possible in RFEM 4.


Mr. Kieloch provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.
