
State of Development of Beam Panel

What is the current state of development of the "beam panel" element for modeling timber frame walls?


The "Beam Panel" element will allow you to model entire buildings or only certain areas using surfaces for timber shear wall panels.
By introducing the necessary line hinges in the rigid couplings, the "Beam Panel" element was also released, which will now be further optimized step by step in order to achieve the goal mentioned above.
Currently, the application is limited to very simple structures. However, we are strongly focused on improving the application as quickly as possible. The current state of development is summarized in this FAQ:

Current State and Planned Development:

  • Modeling of single, independent surfaces
  • Boundary lines orthogonal to each other and not interrupted (four boundary lines, except across surface cells)
  • Openings possible via surface cells
  • Automatic connection stiffness calculation according to EN 1995‑1‑1 (linear) for nails and fasteners
  • More convenient input and extension for all standards (in development)
  • Rotation orthotropy direction of sheathing (in development)
  • Semi-rigid coupling of adjacent elements (in development)
  • Different cross-sections for boundary members in the positive and negative directions (in development)
  • Optional no definition of boundary members (in development)
  • Connections of panel joints (corners, T-joint, wall-slab) (in development)
  • Integration of modeling tools (drag and drop, copy...) (in development)


Mr. Rehm is responsible for developing products for timber structures, and he provides technical support for customers.
