
Data Exchange Between RFEM 6 and Advance Steel

How can I transfer my RFEM 6 model to Advance Steel?


The SDNF interface can be used for the data exchange between RFEM 6 and Advance Steel. This allows you to import and export data, such as materials, cross-sections, members, and surfaces.

Export to Advance Steel

You can use the File menu to export your RFEM 6 model in the SDNF (Steel Detailing Neutral File) file format:

Then, you can import this file into Advance Steel:

Import into RFEM 6

Similarly to the procedure of exporting to Advance Steel described above, it is also possible to import a structure from Advance Steel to RFEM 6 using the SDNF format.


Mr. Sivolgin supports product development in the area of interfaces.
