
Considering Adjacent Settlement for Separated Floor Slabs with RF-SOILIN

Settlement within a structural system can also affect the surrounding structures. The adjacent settlement of separated slabs can be considered with RF-SOILIN using a small trick.

If there is no connection between the adjacent floor slabs, the settlement of one slab has no effect on the other slab.

Since this assumption is incorrect for the calculation of settlements or is often on the unsafe side, it is usually better to consider the adjacent settlement. The easiest way is to try to connect the surfaces by a foundation overlap with negligible stiffness. Entering a foundation overlap around the buildings' floor slabs also allows you to better estimate the influence of the settlement on the surrounding area. This way, you can manually increase it iteratively until the subsidence basin is completely enclosed by the foundation overlap.

Due to the additional surfaces, the settlements are also transferred to other adjoining building parts, and the total deformation of all buildings is represented somewhat more realistically.

This approach is, of course, not limited to the RF-SOILIN add-on module, but can also be applied to other foundation types.


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.

  1. Barth, C., & Rustler, W. (2013). Finite Elemente in der Baustatik-Praxis, (2nd ed.). Beuth, Berlin.
