Poniższy kod pokazuje, w jaki sposób można uzyskać różne parametry obliczeń za pomocą interfejsu COM. Es wird auch das Übergeben einer Einstellung für das Deaktivieren der Schubsteifigkeit gezeigt:
' get model interface
Set iApp = iModel.GetApplication()
' get calculation interface
Dim iCalc As RFEM5.ICalculation2
Set iCalc = iModel.GetCalculation
' get surface bending theory
Dim calc_bend As RFEM5.BendingTheoryType
calc_bend = iCalc.GetBendingTheory
' get settings for nonlinearities
Dim calc_nl As RFEM5.CalculationNonlinearities
calc_nl = iCalc.GetNonlinearities
' get precision and tolerance settings
Dim calc_prec As RFEM5.PrecisionAndTolerance
calc_prec = iCalc.GetPrecisionAndTolerance
' get calculation settings
Dim calc_sets As RFEM5.CalculationSettings
calc_sets = iCalc.GetSettings
' get calculation options
Dim calc_opts As RFEM5.CalculationOptions
calc_opts = iCalc.GetOptions
' set ShearStiffness to false
calc_opts.ShearStiffness = False
iCalc.SetOptions calc_opts
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