
SHAPE-THIN | Cross-Section Properties and Stresses

SHAPE-THIN determines the section properties and stresses of any open, closed, built-up, or non-connected cross-sections.

  • Section Properties
    • Cross-sectional area A
    • Shear areas Ay, Az, Au, and Av
    • Centroid position yS, zS
    • moments of area 2 degrees Iy, Iz, Iyz, Iu, Iv, Ip, Ip,M
    • Radii of gyration iy, iz, iyz, iu, iv, ip, ip,M
    • Inclination of principal axes α
    • Cross-section weight G
    • Cross-section perimeter U
    • torsional constants of area degrees IT, IT,St.Venant, IT,Bredt, IT,s
    • Location of the shear center yM, zM
    • Warping constants Iω,S, Iω,M or Iω,D for lateral restraint
    • Max/min section moduli Sy, Sz, Su, Sv, Sω,M with locations
    • Section ranges ru, rv, rM,u, rM,v
    • Reduction factor λM
  • Plastic Cross-Section Properties
  • Axial force Npl,d
  • Shear forces Vpl,y,d, Vpl,z,d, Vpl,u,d, Vpl,v,d
  • Bending moments Mpl,y,d, Mpl,z,d, Mpl,u,d, Mpl,v,d
  • Section moduli Zy, Zz, Zu, Zv
  • Shear areas Apl,y, Apl,z, Apl,u, Apl,v
  • Position of area bisecting axes fu, fv,
  • Display of the inertia ellipse
  • Statical Moments
    • First moments of area Qu, Qv, Qy, Qz with location of maxima and specification of shear flow
    • Warping coordinates ωM
    • moments of area (warping areas) Sω,M
    • Cell areas Am of closed cross-sections
  • Stress
    • Normal stresses σx due to axial force, bending moments, and warping bimoment
    • Shear stresses τ from shear forces as well as primary and secondary torsional moments
    • Equivalent stresses σv with customizable factor for shear stresses
    • Stress ratios, related to limit stresses
    • Stresses for element edges or center lines
    • Weld stresses in fillet welds
  • Shear Wall Sections
    • Section properties of non-connected cross-sections (cores of high-rise buildings, composite sections)
    • Shear wall shear forces due to bending and torsion
  • Plastic Design
    • Plastic capacity design with determination of the enlargement factor αpl
    • Check of the c/t-ratios following the design methods el-el, el-pl or pl-pl according to DIN 18800