
Practical Structural Analysis of Spatial Lattice Towers Compared to More Exact Calculation

Two methods, the so-called approximation methods, are used for the calculations that are customary in practice. In this case, a lattice mast is considered as a spatial frame structure. The first approximation method is based on predefined formulas. In this way, the member forces of a spatial lattice tower can be calculated manually in a very ingenious, but also clear way in a plane.

Dirk Makoben
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany,
Department of Civil Engineering

In the structural analysis programs, the calculations are based on the displacement method (WGV). The structural analysis program by Dlubal Software is used to develop the second approximation method and more exact calculations. The structural frame & truss analysis program RSTAB 6 and the finite element program for the calculation of spatial structures RFEM 3 are used. These programs were provided as full versions with a six-month student license for the purpose of writing this thesis.

"First of all, I would like to thank you very much for providing the Dlubal software. I really enjoyed working with the programs RSTAB 6 and RFEM 3. Also, a great compliment to the support team of Dlubal Software. The answers to my questions were prompt and always led to the goal. I was able to finish my studies very positively with your support and the student license of the Dlubal programs."

