
Development of Modular System for Water Towers to be Installed in Disaster Areas

Frequently, earthquakes and other natural disasters occur in poor regions of the earth. The drinking water supply which is often already insufficient is additionally damaged then, which causes a danger of epidemics. The drinking water supply as well as living under hygienic conditions is important for human existence. The thesis describes the development of a modular system provided for water towers that can be installed in disaster areas.

A functional, anti-seismic supporting structure was developed that is also easy to erect with a few devices and auxiliary tools by semiskilled workers under the guidance of instructors. The development may contribute to the solution of providing a quick drinking water supply which is required after natural disasters. Moreover, it can be a supply used during the period of reconstruction and beyond. One of the great challenges was to find a way to deal with the need of tools and materials that are limited. The markets offer only limited timber cross-sections which people have to consider for rebuilding. But also transportation and assembly must be taken into account under the given circumstances.

The structure built on the university campus is designed for an earthquake intensity of 5.5, and thus intended to be an immediate measure after the main quake. After the primary water supply, it is possible to reinforce the construction to prepare it also for main quakes measuring 7.0. The structural system was calculated with RFEM.

Jonas Schmidt
University of Kassel, Germany,
Department of Civil Engineering, Building Preservation, and Timber Structures

A functional, anti-seismic supporting structure was developed that is also easy to erect with a few devices and auxiliary tools by semiskilled workers under the guidance of instructors. The development may contribute to the solution of providing a quick drinking water supply which is required after natural disasters. Moreover, it can be a supply used during the period of reconstruction and beyond. One of the great challenges was to find a way to deal with the need of tools and materials that are limited. The markets offer only limited timber cross-sections which people have to consider for rebuilding. But also transportation and assembly must be taken into account under the given circumstances.

The structure built on the university campus is designed for an earthquake intensity of 5.5, and thus intended to be an immediate measure after the main quake. After the primary water supply, it is possible to reinforce the construction to prepare it also for main quakes measuring 7.0. The structural system was calculated with RFEM.

