
Consideration of Construction Progress for Buildings

This bachelor thesis deals with the floor-by-floor deformation compensation in buildings, which usually goes unnoticed during the construction process. This deformation compensation in turn leads to changes in the static internal forces, which are not automatically considered in the regular calculation on the entire model. For this, the construction progress was considered on the one hand with the help of the RF-STAGES add-on module and on the other hand with the extended "Deactivate" option of structural elements under the load case settings in the main program.

Ferdinand Müller
Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Faculty 02 of Civil Engineering

For this, the fundamental difference between the calculation on the pouring system and on the construction progress model was first analyzed. Subsequently, the knowledge gained was applied to a simplified application example of reinforced concrete structures in RFEM and finally the differences between the pouring system and the construction progress model were examined on a concrete construction project by MUCKINGENIEURE. There were significant differences in the internal forces and deformations in all models.

The objective of the thesis was to find out the possibilities for the company MUCKINGENIEURE to take into account the construction progress and to find criteria in order to be able to assess which projects require the consideration.

