
Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure of Service and Office Building – IT Center

The subject of this graduation thesis is the design of selected structural elements of a reinforced concrete office building with nine above-ground stories and one underground story.

Piotr Zygmunt
Krakow University of Technology, Poland

The building is planned in Rzeszów in the Podkarpackie Province, Poland. The building is built directly on the load-bearing soil using a foundation slab with a thickness of 110 cm with recesses under the most stressed pillars and the lift shafts. The building is a structure consisting of slabs and columns. The building has two rigid communication shafts with a wall thickness of 20/25 cm, connecting the individual stories and stiffening the structure.

In the thesis, the design is performed for the floor slab above the ground floor of the building, the section of the perimeter beam running along axis VII, the most stressed S6 column on the ground floor, and the area of the foundation slab located directly under the S6 column.

The numerical model was made in the Dlubal software RFEM 5.26. The remaining calculations were performed using PTC Mathcad Prime 7.0 and Microsoft Office Excel 2013. The drawings were made in Autodesk AutoCAD 2020.

When creating the calculation model, the loads were summarized according to PN‑EN 1991‑1‑1, PN‑EN 1991‑1‑3, and the technical regulations of building product manufacturers. The created model was placed on the soil medium using the structure-soil interaction analysis in the RF-SOILIN add-on module included in the RFEM program.

The building was fully modeled. Basic meshing with a mesh of 1.0 m was refined for the designed floor slab and the foundation slab within the supports. Permanent additional loads and variable imposed loads were applied in such a way as to generate the maximum values of the bending moments for the floor slab. The design combination for a column is the combination that gives the maximum compressive force and the corresponding moments. A detailed description of the method of creating load combinations can be found in a later section of this graduation thesis.

The floor slab was designed for the ultimate limit state for bending and punching shear resistance, as well as the serviceability limit state for crack openings and deflection. The circumferential beam was desgined for the ultimate limit state in terms of bending and shear with torsion. Furthermore, the beam was designed for the serviceability limit state for crack openings and deflections. The column was designed using an algorithm for compression elements. Second-order analysis was also carried out in the column using the method based on the nominal stiffness. The foundation slab was designed under the most stressed S6 and S7 columns for bending, punching, and crack width.

Drawings showing the projections and sections of the building were also prepared as part of the thesis. Based on the calculations and the results obtained, drawings of the slab reinforcement, perimeter beam section, and column along with the foundation slab section were also made.

