
[EN] FAQ 003569 | How can I subsequently model a downstand beam under an existing slab in such a way that only ...

How can I subsequently model a downstand beam under an existing slab in such a way that only the vertical compression forces are transferred?

In this case, the slab should rest on the downstand beam without any composite (see Image 01).

First, assign the "Beam" member type to the downstand beam as the rib is not effective here due to the missing composite.

To implement the "Only Transfer Compression Forces in Z-Direction" nonlinearity, you can use the "Line Release" function. In this case, all forces and moments must be activated, that is, released, within the "New Line Release Type" dialog box. Furthermore, it is necessary to set the "Fixed if positive vz" nonlinearity for uz, see Image 02.

You should select the line of the member within the corresponding surface as a line to be released, and the corresponding surface as the released object.
