How can I create a comment via the COM interface?
When using the COM interface (RF‑COM or RS‑COM), you can create a comment using the guide object interface IGuideObjects. The following is an example program that creates a comment:
Sub test_comment()
' get interface from the opened model and lock the licence/program
Dim iModel As RFEM5.IModel3
Set iModel = GetObject(, "RFEM5.Model")
On Error GoTo e
Dim iModelData As RFEM5.IModelData2
Set iModelData = iModel.GetModelData
Dim iGuiObj As RFEM5.IGuideObjects
Set iGuiObj = iModel.GetGuideObjects
Dim comm As RFEM5.Comment
' set frame type
comm.Frame = CircularFrameType
' set reference object type
comm.ObjectType = GeneralObjectType
comm.ObjectNo = 1
' set point if GeneralObjectType is choosen
comm.Point.X = 2
comm.Point.Y = 4
comm.Point.Z = 6
' set offset from reference object
comm.Offset.X = 0.5
comm.Offset.Y = 1
comm.Offset.Z = 1.5
comm.Rotation = 1
' set text of comment
comm.Text = "testcomment"
' transfer object to program
iGuiObj.SetComment comm
e: If Err.Number 0 Then MsgBox Err.description, , Err.Source
Set iModelData = Nothing
Set iModel = Nothing
End Sub
The selection of the reference or the element to which the comment is referred is defined by the type (ObjectType) first. Here it is possible to select, for example, a member, a node, or any point in space. Next, the number of the reference object is specified via ObjectNo (for example, Member 1). If you have selected a free point, it is set by Point.
Finally, you can specify an offset that results from the reference object.