
[EN] FAQ 004861 | When importing a model directly from AutoCAD, the shape of the "spline" is ...

When importing a model directly from AutoCAD, the shape of the "spline" is sometimes incorrect.

In AutoCAD, you can create two different types of SPLINES - either with the approximation points or the control vertices. RFEM supports the first one. These are imported as B‑spline lines.

The second line type, however, corresponds to the NURBS lines. Although they can be modeled in RFEM 5, the interface does not support this type. The control vertices are applied as "approximation points" for the definition of a B‑spline. This results in a different shape.

As a workaround, it is, therefore, possible to modify the corresponding lines. The most suitable line type is probably the Bezier-Spline.
